Completing the Packing List from the Pending Lines Tab

The Pending Lines tab displays the lines (each line represents an item) picked from the Sales Order pending shipment.  You may revise the lines from this tab, or add new lines to the Packing List from this tab. In addition, if there are any Serial Number Controlled items that you are adding to the Packing List, they must be added from this tab.

  1. From the Pick Sales Order form, select the Pending Lines tab.  The following form is displayed. The information from the Sales Order populates the fields:

Pending Lines Tab

  1. To add the Serial Number controlled items:

  1. Scroll down to a new line. The * indicates that it is a new record.

  2. From the SO Line drop-down list, select the item that is serial controlled as follows:

On selecting the line, only the SO Line field is populated with the corresponding SO Line number in the Pending Lines tab.


You may only add lines that include inventory. If there is no inventory, a message prompts: "Only Lines With Inventory may be Picked".

  1. From the Select Part/Quantity field drop-down list, select the relevant part, which is then added to the Pending Lines tab as follows:

  1. In the Pick Qty. field enter the number of parts required for shipping.

  2. Click SN (highlighted in yellow) to display the Shipping: Serial Number Data Entry form as follows:

Shipping: Serial Number Data Entry Form

  1. In the Scan Serial Number field, enter the serial number that may be scanned.

  2. Click OK to close the form and return to the Pending Lines tab.

  3. Repeat steps a-d to add any other parts that are serial number controlled.

  1. Click Save.

  2. Click OK to complete the Packing List.  The following message is prompted:

  1. Click OK. The Shipper Number PL542 form is displayed as follows (the number is assigned by the system on creating the Packing List):

  1. Prepare the paper work for the shipment. For further details on printing reports, see Preparing Paper Work for Shipment.


Add a Miscellaneous Line if required. E.g., to add documentation or an item that does not affect inventory. For further details, see Adding Miscellaneous Lines to a Shipping Order.

To complete the shipment, click OK. The following message is prompted:

  1. Click Yes to complete the shipment.


Once a shipper form is complete, you may return to it at any time. For further details, see Viewing Sales Order Shipments.


See Also

The Way Bill, Freight and Notes tab