Shipping Information

The Shipping and Flights Details form enables you to save or view information regarding the physical transportation of shipped goods.  This form enables you to track your shipment by connecting you directly to the shippers site on the web and retrieve the required information.  The system can be integrated with the Shipping Companies.

  1. Select SalesSales OrderView SO Shipment or View / Edit Shipment.  The Shipper Number PL form is displayed.

  2. Click the following icon . The Shipping and Flights Details form is displayed:

Shipping and Flight Details Form

  1. View the fields as follows:



Customer ID

Displays the Customer's ID number, automatically populated from the Shipper Number PL form.

Packing List #

Displays the Packing List # automatically populated from the Shipper Number PL form.

SO Number

Automatically populated from the Sales Order.

Ship Date

Displays the shipping date, automatically populated from the Shipper Number PL form.

Customer PO

If noted, displays the Customer's Purchase Order number.

Port Of Destination

Enter the name of the port where the goods arrived, if required.

Ship Via

Displays the name of the shipping company used for the specified Customer, E.g., Fedex.

Tracking #

Enter the Way Bill #, which is issued by the Shipping Company, and used to track your shipment.

Flight #

Enter the flight number if the goods were air freighted.

Connecting Flight

Enter the connecting flight number, if the goods were air freighted.


Enter the date on which the goods were air freighted, if required.

  1. Click OK to save the data.

  2. To view or enter notes regarding the transaction or a third party shipper, select the Transaction Notes/Third Party Shipping tab, as follows:

  1. To track your shipment, you must enter the Way Bill # to enable the system to track the shipment via the Shipping Company specified in the Ship Via field.  On clicking Tracking, you will connect to the Internet and retrieve information from either of those carriers based on the Waybill number. A users PC must have internet connectivity for these buttons to function.


To enable the Tracking functionality to work, you must have set up the Ship Via companies in the Company Setup menus. For further details, see CompanyTablesGeneral Ship Via.



The UPS and FedEx shipment information services are Internet-based utilities currently provided by the companies, and are subject to changes or discontinuance at any time. It cannot be guaranteed that NG 365 will continue to function with these currently free services, or that charges may be imposed at a future date. Any applicable Copyrights or Trademarks are owned by their respective companies.


See Also:

Packing List